3 ways to attract luck in your life

Atique Kudchi
1 min readMay 15, 2024


1. Avoid boring people

a. Avoid people that bore you

b. Avoid being the most boring person in the room

Interesting people attract interest, which attracts opportunities, which may be passed on to you. As long as you’re not boring.

In the long term, it looks like luck.

2. Have a luck razor

If all other factors are equal, choose the path that feels the luckiest.

3. Have a poker mindset

Poker is a game of luck + skill.

You cannot control the cards you are dealt, but you can influence the outcome with skill to counteract the luck and win. Find a way to hack the system.

Identify what you can influence, even if a certain game looks like its luck. Question everything with a poker mindset.

This is Day 3 of #30daysofwriting, where I read one piece of writing that I like and rephrase it. This one was inspired by George Mack.

Follow me on Twitter to follow along :)

Thanks for reading



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